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5 Wholesome Facts About Baby Sleep Training

June 16, 2016 7 min read

5 Wholesome Facts About Baby Sleep Training

















Baby Sleeping & Toddler Sleep Tips - Wholesome Linen

In this current era where information is so readily available, new parents tend to start doing research on baby sleeping prior to the arrival of their bundle of joy. There is much debate between baby sleep 'experts' on the topic like "Ferber sleep training or not" ? This is a behavioral techniques on how to get newborn to sleep at night and hot to get your baby who is 4 months old or older to fall asleep alone. The opposing voices of this debate are heated because some techniques involve some periods of crying and protest on the baby’s part. Parents (and experts) who believe in sleep training feel that babies can develop “self-soothing” skills: learning sleep cues that help them comfort themselves and fall back asleep when they wake at night — as we all tend to do. Opponents of sleep training, many of whom are more generally committed to “attachment parenting,” say that in fact sleep training results in “learned helplessness,” with infants making the agonizing discovery that no matter how hard they cry, no one will come.

Baby Sleeping & Toddler Sleep Tips - Wholesome Linen

Irregardless of whether you are a parent who chooses a particular method of sleep training or take a more 'laissez-faire' approach, babies need a minimum amount of time to sleep at various stages of their development. We waded through much of the research out there and decided to share with you with the straight facts about an infants sleep patterns and provide some tips on how best to develop good sleep habits into their toddler years and beyond. 

Here are 5 facts about newborn sleep patters & some tips on infant sleep schedule

Newborn Sleep Patterns & Infant Sleep Schedule (0 - 6 months) -  Wholesome Blog

Baby Sleeping Fact 1: Newborn sleeping far more than adults. But how much, exactly? Here are some newborn sleeping patterns averages, by age:


2 Month Baby Sleeping Tips

Total Sleep: 14-17 hours
Nighttime Sleep: 8-9 hours
Naps: 7-9 hours (3-5 naps)

  • Newborns sleep in 2 to 4 hour intervals, waking up to eat.
  • Babies this age tend to stir and look restless during sleep. Because of reflexes they can't control, it's common to see them twitch their arms and legs, smile and make sucking noises.
  • Newborns aren't born knowing how to soothe themselves to sleep, so you may need to help, with tricks like using a pacifier, swaddling, rocking and breastfeeding. Remember, there's no such thing as spoiling a newborn, so it's OK to cuddle baby to help her doze off.

2-4 Month Baby Sleeping Tips

Total Sleep: 12-15 hours
Nighttime Sleep: 9-10 hours
Naps: 4-5 hours (3 naps)

  • Babies this age may sleep for six-hour stretches at night, and settle into more of a set nap schedule now.
  • To get baby on a good sleep routine, make sure to play and expose her to lots of sunlight during the day and avoid over-stimulating her when it's dark out.
  • Starting a pre-bedtime sleep routine -- like bath, feeding, story time -- can help ready baby to sleep through the night for longer stretches.

4-6 Month Baby Sleeping Tips

Total Sleep: 14-15 hours
Nighttime Sleep: 10 hours
Naps: 4-5 hours (2-3 naps)

  • Babies this age will start to quit nighttime feedings, and are usually ready to sleep through the night now, anywhere from 6 to 12 hour stretches.
  • Research shows about 60 percent of babies sleep through by 6 months, up to 80 percent do so by 9 months.
  • Remember, all babies wake up sometimes during the night, but those who "sleep through" have learned how to nod off on their own.

Newborn Sleep Patterns & Infant Sleep Schedule (6 months +) -  Wholesome Blog

6-12 Month Baby Sleeping Tips 

Total Sleep: 14 hours
Nighttime Sleep: 10-11 hours
Naps: 3-4 hours (2-3 naps)

  • Some babies stop sleeping through the night now because of separation anxiety. Your baby knows you're around even when she can't see you, and may get upset when she wakes up.
  • It's OK to go in and check on your crying baby, but keep visits short and try (as hard as it is) not to pick her up or feed her. Try rubbing her back, singing a soothing lullaby and ducking out after a few minutes.

1-2 Year Toddler Sleep Tips

Total Sleep: 13-14 hours
Nighttime Sleep:


  • Active toddlers can have trouble relaxing and winding down at night - causing bedtime battles. Try to keep things as calm as possible in the evenings, sticking to soothing activities like bath and story time.
  • Once baby learns to climb out of the crib, she may attempt to snuggle in bed with you. This is a hard-to-break habit, so if you don't want to start a co-sleeping situation, bring her back to her own room.

2-5 Year Toddler Sleep Tips

Total Sleep: 12-14 hours
Nighttime Sleep: 10-11 hours
Naps: 1-2 hours (1 nap)

  • Toddler and preschooler sleep problems include procrastinating and resisting bedtime, getting out of their big-kid beds when they wake at night, and developing night fears.
  • Stick to a bedtime routine and sleep schedule, make sure your kids understand the rules and be consistent about enforcing them.
  • Using a nightlight or loving touch can comfort kids who tend to get scared of the dark or have nightmares.

Baby Sleeping & Toddler Sleep Tips - Wholesome Linen

Baby Sleeping Fact 2: Young babies (particularly newborns) don’t automatically fall asleep when they’re tired

As adults, we are used to drifting off when we become sleepy. But sleep does not work that way for a young baby. As your baby becomes sleepy, she may begin to rub her eyes, or yawn. These are called ‘sleep cues’ - they are signs that she is tired. This is the window of time in which it is best to put your baby down for a nap, or for the night, because at this point, she will be more likely to fall asleep quickly and easily.

However, that window of time is relatively short. If parents miss it, baby will become more tired, and she will start to fuss. Finally, she will become overly exhausted and start to really wail. Once your baby begins to fuss like this, she is already overtired, and it will be more difficult to get her to relax and fall asleep.

Baby Sleeping & Toddler Sleep Tips - Wholesome Linen

Baby Sleeping Fact 3: Babies are not born understanding that nighttime is meant for sleeping

All adults are equipped with ‘internal clocks’ that tell us when it is time to be awake, and when it is time to go to sleep. Our internal clocks are heavily influenced by sunlight; they are also influenced by hormones. It is our internal clocks that help us feel tired at bedtime and alert in the morning. But our babies are not born with developed internal clocks. When a baby is in her mom’s womb, she relies on her mom’s hormones and rhythms to guide her. Outside the womb, it will take some time (up to 2 months) for her own internal clock to develop. During those first 2 months, baby may sleep heavily during the day and then be awake and alert at night. While this is frustrating for new parents, it is all very normal; it’s simply a sign that her internal clock is still sorting out daytime and nighttime. While it can be frustrating to care for your baby when she has her days and nights mixed up, rest assured that the problem will resolve itself over time. There are things you can do, however, to help her sort out her days and nights faster. Make sure to keep her awake for short periods of playtime during the day, and be sure that she gets some exposure to sunlight during the day. (Not direct sunlight, of course - that can cause sunburn!) By contrast, try to keep her room dark at night, and do not incorporate any playtime into her nightly routines. 

Baby Sleeping Fact 4: Swaddling, rocking, and white noise can help newborns and young babies sleep well

In his popular book, The Happiest Baby on the Block, pediatrician Harvey Karp advises parents to treat the first few months of a baby’s life as a “4th trimester”. During these early months, babies are comforted and soothed by sounds and sensations that re-create the womb. Swaddling is one technique that helps soothe fussy babies by re-creating the snug feeling they experienced when they were in their mothers’ wombs. Swaddling is the simple practice of wrapping a baby up snugly in a blanket.  At about 2 months your baby will be ready to graduate from a swaddle to Wholesome Linen’s 100% Organic Linen Baby Sleep Sack which serves as a cooler option then cotton or polyester alternatives. Swaddling and Sleep Sacks can help a baby feel secure and relaxed; it can also help babies fall asleep and stay asleep. However, swaddling is safe only when it’s done properly; a baby shouldn’t be wrapped so tightly that he can’t breathe, for example, and a swaddled baby should never be placed face-down to sleep. Rocking is a fast and easy way to help soothe a crying baby to sleep. Again, rocking re-creates a feeling of being in the womb, since babies are “rocked” almost constantly inside their moms, as mom walks around and goes about her daily activities. This is one reason why infant swings tend to work so well; the rocking motion calms baby and helps her fall asleep quickly. Be advised, however, that a baby shouldn’t be left to sleep in the swing for long periods of time, as this can increase the risk of SIDS.

Baby Sleeping & Toddler Sleep Tips - Wholesome Linen

Baby Sleeping Fact 5: The age at which a baby can sleep through the night will vary from baby to baby

Technically, babies are sleeping through the night when they can sleep 5 - 6 hours straight through, with no nighttime feedings. The age at which babies can do this varies: some babies can do this by 2 months of age, while other babies are not able to sleep this long without eating until they are 8 or 9 months old. While it is normal for a baby to need one night feeding up until 12 months of age, we usually recommend an attempt to wean away from all night feedings around 8 or 9 months of age (oftentimes up to 12 months for a breastfed baby). By that time, babies who are still waking for night feedings are usually doing so out of habit, or because they are not eating enough during the day.

Here at Wholesome linen we strive to make your newborn or toddler sleep safe and wholesome. Our Organic Linen Collection responsibly crafted from 100% organic, eco-friendly and hypoallergenic materials, without adding any dyes or bleaches. We are confident that our products will keep your baby's bed cool & comfy while protecting from rashes and overheating. #LetsMakeItWholesome