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5 Wholesome Gift Ideas for Toddlers

December 17, 2016 2 min read

5 Wholesome Gift Ideas for Toddlers

If you found yourself scrambling to find a perfect gift for a special toddler sure Google and Pinterest are your friends but what to type in that darn search box?  

Thankfully Wholesome Linen have taken all the work out of finding that special something for those toddlers in your life.

Our criteria when considering all the options out there are gifts are that tickle a child's imagination while widening their curiosity and helping to develop good memories and play skills.

5 Wholesome & NonToxic Toddler Gifts

Land of Nod Teepees and Playhouse Wholesome Linen Toddler Gift Selections

Teepee and Playhouses

We can all remember when we were kids, those forts we would build with the sofa cushions. Toddlers these days have got it made with these canopies, teepees and playhouses where they can create a semi-permanent place where they can create their imaginative space.   Head over to The Land of Nod we picked our faves but they have a great variety and fast delivery for the holiday rush

Handmade Stuffed Creatures

When it comes to handmade stuffed friends, Etsy is the place to be. Our favourites are handmade by Woodlane Tale and by the looks of their reviews we are not the only ones who have fallen in love with their stitched creatures. We espcially advise that you take a close look at the brown bear because he is adorable. We are shipped from Ukraine so could take longer 

Classic Wooden Scooter

Me and Freya makes a sturdy classic 'The Zoomster' a favorite through the ages. Owning your very own first set of wheels is always a special thing at any age. It's made from birch and pretty difficult to break but comes with a 5 year warranty just in case so makes this gift makes for a great hand me down cycle toy for the next kid in line

Zakka Eco Wooden Spoon Wholesome Linen 2016 Holiday Gift Picks

Shaped Wooden Spoons

Some people are born with a silver spoons in their mouths, we prefer these eco friendly natural wooden ones made by Zakka and sold by Blue Bron Tide. They are shaped in the form of a giraffe, goose whale and otter.

Tiny Pillow By Wholesome Linen

The Perfect Toddler Pillow for Travels and more

Perhaps we are biased but honestly can you think of a better gift then a well crafted dream machine aka a perfect Toddler Pillow? Wholesome Linen's Organic Toddler Pillow is your answer.  A toddler spends 14 hours a sleeping, so choose the products carefully that come into close contact with those sweet cheeks of theirs. The Toddler Pillow has an external shell is made from certified organic flax linen, a hypoallergenic and antibacterial fabric that stays fresh after every wash.  There is an internal layer of flax tow to keep any mites and bed bugs out and offers support for years to come. The pillow cover is covered with organic flax material, pillow insert is filled with high quality hollow fiber made in the USA.  If you are a Amazon Prime member you can get it on sale now and free delivery in 2 days anywhere in the United States.   

 Watch Kingsley meet his Perfect Toddler Pillow for the 1st Time